Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Trencianske Stankovce - teenage camp

The same like the last year, I went to be one of leaders at Christian teenage camp. I enjoy being with young people and my passion is to help them to understand more who is God as well as help them to get through their life struggles which this age brings. I personally think, while observing them that this stage of life is pretty tough and complicate but in the same time very strategic for the whole life working and being with them is a challenge, I guess for everyone.

Although this camp rose many issues and we had to deal with topics - not only in theory:( like alcohol, relationships, godly life, rules, freedom, obedience etc... and after all, were as leaders a bit frustrated, I have to say that I see the importance of investing my energy and time into lives of young people. They need to see exceptance from older people and also they need to have living exaples which they can follow. So heads up, shoulders back :))

returning to our chalet from village nearby after strong storm

the youngest member of the camp - cute Barka :)

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