Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Roháče august 2007

1, Pleso pri Tatliakovej chate

2 ,Výstup na Ostrý Roháč

3, Fučalo tam tak, že sa mi až vlasy stavali ;)
och joj už som sem tak dávno nenapísala...wow I haven´t written here for such a long time...čím to bude, asi tým, že som začala pracovať v škole :-)))... why is that, maybe, because I started to work in a school ;-) aj napriek tomu musim sa este podelit so super vyletom - putakom v Roháčoch na konci augusta ... however I have to share with you an amazing experiences on the trip - hicking in Hight Tatras - Rohace at the end of August...zopar Slovakov, jeden Nemec a zvysok Poliakov stravilo 7 dni doslova s batohmi na pleciach a malo neopakovatelny zazitok...a few Slovaks, one German and rest of Polishes spent 7 days literally with backpacks on sholders and went through the awesome adventure...

Thank you Father!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Claire&John´s wedding

I was honored to take a part in Claire&John´s BIG day! It was a lovely wedding and actually my frist proper british wedding :) So I kept my eyes opened that I could learn how they do that :-))) and guess what I really enjoyed being there. Comparing it with our Slovak ones, I must say that ours last a bit longer and we definitely eat much more :) ... so which ones are better...well hard to say... I think and I´m convinced that it is not about habits and traditions but about something much much deeper ;) and important!
I stayed with Anna (left) and Liz (right) joined us for a wedding...

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

England 2007

Tento rok sa mi tiez podarilo ist na moju pravidelnu navstevu :) mojich starych znamych ludi a miest...ktore su blizke mojmu srdcu...hlavnym dovodom bola asi svadba Claire a Johna, ktorych som spoznala este v Oxforde. No popri tom som stihla aj ine veci...Bolo fajn, dokonca sa mi podarilo vyhnut zaplavam a dazdom...takze iba raz som pouzila daznik - co na UK SUPER, nehovoriac o tom, ze tyzden predtym tam mali velke zaplavy. Vid obrazok v Christ Church Meadow, kde "jazierko" v pozadi je normalne krasna zelana luka! Takze tak!

My Slovak friends Ana&Martin in London.

Niluka with me in lovely Christ Church Meadow, Oxford.

The smallest passenger who traveled with us...so CUTE! :)

The awesome view from a plane on my way back.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Trencianske Stankovce - teenage camp

The same like the last year, I went to be one of leaders at Christian teenage camp. I enjoy being with young people and my passion is to help them to understand more who is God as well as help them to get through their life struggles which this age brings. I personally think, while observing them that this stage of life is pretty tough and complicate but in the same time very strategic for the whole life direction...so working and being with them is a challenge, I guess for everyone.

Although this camp rose many issues and we had to deal with topics - not only in theory:( like alcohol, relationships, godly life, rules, freedom, obedience etc... and after all, were as leaders a bit frustrated, I have to say that I see the importance of investing my energy and time into lives of young people. They need to see exceptance from older people and also they need to have living exaples which they can follow. So heads up, shoulders back :))

returning to our chalet from village nearby after strong storm

the youngest member of the camp - cute Barka :)

Vystup na Tribec - Trip to one of Slovak montains-Tribec

Minuly tyzden som bola na mladeznickom tabore v Trencianskych Stankovciach (viac o tom v dalsom prispevku) a este predtym, sme si s Majkou Selig, presli pripravovanu celodennu turu na vrchol Tribecu a potom po hrebeni az do Beckova, hoci az tam sme sa nedostali, lebo tura trvala dlhsie ako sme pocitali a skoncili sme v nejakej denine na "K"...dalej si uz nepamatam :)

hory,lesy....a zase len horyyy a lesyyy

Mali sme spolu super cas. Bolo to uuuuuzasne byt zase v prirode, v lese, vidiet na vlastne oci srnku, drave vtaky, jastericu, ropuchu :) ... Slovensko je nadherne - Vdaka BOZE!!! Slovakia is beautiful - Thanks GOD!!!

Monday, June 18, 2007

I can't NOT write about it - Nemozem o tom nenapisat!

our outdoor pool ;)

Tu je zopar spomienok z nasej junovej, takmer neuveritelnej dovolenky - VACATION (kto by to bol z nas len povedal pred takym rokom, ze budeme dovolenkovat na Tenerife, Kanarske ostrovy-Canary Islands?!?!:) Videli sme toho veeela a kopec ineho ako u nas. Je to sopecny ostrov, takze dost suchy,ale o to viac exoticky...kopec kaktusov, paliem, opuncii a bananov...jednoducho vsetko co mi mame v kvetinacoch, tam rastie v enormnych velkostiach...hi, hi, hi a voda je velmi vzacna...

Vdaka Boze, ze sme tam mohli byt a za to ake je to vsetko roznorode :)

dolphin show in Loro park

during the sun set - my mom and me

Dragon tree - the oldest tree on the island (appr.1000 years)

instead of trees - cactuses

the volcano Teida (3700 m),we are in 2600 m

the south of Tenerife, Playa de las Americanas, were we stayed

our apartment - the first floor ;)

our rented car "small KIA" :) in the Teide NP - lunar country

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

some of my dear friends...

how can some of my "mature" friends spend the time :))) that's why I like them ;)

Lyžovačka (Skiing) Kubínska Hoľa

This year it was already thrid time we had skiing camp in a beautiful location in Orava (north-west of Slovakia) - Kubinska Hola. 10-12 of us met in lovely chalet and walk almost each day to the skiing slop nearby... and enjoyed funny winter sport on two "tiny boards" - skies The weather wasn't the best (sometime even the rain) but still there was plenty of snow... We explored very Slovak music instrument found in the chalet - fujara-very long pipe...Thanx God this year we survived with out any broken bones :)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Buena Vista concert

Hola todo mundo, vcera sme boli na koncerte Buena Vista Social Club de Havana de Cuba. Bol to fajn zazitok, len ma trochu bolel krk od natahovania sa, kedze sme sa ocitli niekde v strede davu v hale na Pasienkoch a pred nami boli este VIPci...aj napriek vsetkemu clovek sa tam aspon ma chvilku citil ako v skutocnej Kube (ooo tak rada by som tam isla raz naozaj - vies o tom Janka ;))) Trochu sme sa popohybovali (v ramci moznosti) v rytmoch Salsy, tanga...Pan (Julio Fernandez) a panie spevacky , (Teresa Caturla a vokalistka Maria Sosa) boli skveli, spievat a udrzat dobru atmosku vyse 2 hodin a mat okolo 70tky (hlavny spevak a spevacka) tak to je nieco...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Hlboko som sa zamyslela...a nad cim, no predsa nad strategiou :)

discovering my forgotten blog :)

hello, ahoj, hola, Tschuss e.g. here I'm again. I kind of forgot about this place, shame of me. As I'm in the rush right now (as usually :) I write more later. By the way tonight we are going to a concert Bueno Vista Social Club de Cuba, I look forward :) I've been once before on their concert and they were great...I write how it went...pa pa