Tuesday, February 20, 2007

some of my dear friends...

how can some of my "mature" friends spend the time :))) that's why I like them ;)

Lyžovačka (Skiing) Kubínska Hoľa

This year it was already thrid time we had skiing camp in a beautiful location in Orava (north-west of Slovakia) - Kubinska Hola. 10-12 of us met in lovely chalet and walk almost each day to the skiing slop nearby... and enjoyed funny winter sport on two "tiny boards" - skies The weather wasn't the best (sometime even the rain) but still there was plenty of snow... We explored very Slovak music instrument found in the chalet - fujara-very long pipe...Thanx God this year we survived with out any broken bones :)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Buena Vista concert

Hola todo mundo, vcera sme boli na koncerte Buena Vista Social Club de Havana de Cuba. Bol to fajn zazitok, len ma trochu bolel krk od natahovania sa, kedze sme sa ocitli niekde v strede davu v hale na Pasienkoch a pred nami boli este VIPci...aj napriek vsetkemu clovek sa tam aspon ma chvilku citil ako v skutocnej Kube (ooo tak rada by som tam isla raz naozaj - vies o tom Janka ;))) Trochu sme sa popohybovali (v ramci moznosti) v rytmoch Salsy, tanga...Pan (Julio Fernandez) a panie spevacky , (Teresa Caturla a vokalistka Maria Sosa) boli skveli, spievat a udrzat dobru atmosku vyse 2 hodin a mat okolo 70tky (hlavny spevak a spevacka) tak to je nieco...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Hlboko som sa zamyslela...a nad cim, no predsa nad strategiou :)

discovering my forgotten blog :)

hello, ahoj, hola, Tschuss e.g. here I'm again. I kind of forgot about this place, shame of me. As I'm in the rush right now (as usually :) I write more later. By the way tonight we are going to a concert Bueno Vista Social Club de Cuba, I look forward :) I've been once before on their concert and they were great...I write how it went...pa pa